Thursday, December 18, 2008

Declan's ways

If I were asked to describe what Declan is like at this stage, I would have to say he is a helper. He wants to help with everything...especially in the kitchen. From the start we have made the dishwasher as a 'no touch'. I am so thankful for this because all I need is someone taking out all the dishes that I just put in, it just get frustrating. I do believe that it is good for him to help though, so I am letting him help in different ways. He absolutely loves stirring things, using the chopper to chop the onions, sweeping the floor etc. He seems to cry every time that I say we are done in the kitchen (like if something is cooking and there is nothing left to do). He always gets over his little crying times quite quickly. They may be because we never give in. He knows it won't work for us.

Now that I have been at the early years for several weeks, I am starting to notice the same parents. I am also noticing the children that are obedient and then ones that walk all over their parents. I am so glad that I have had good role models and have been given really good advice about raising your children. Kids say things to their parents and to other kids that I would never allow Declan to say without some kind of punishment. For instance a kid kept ripping toys out of Declan's hand and I saw the mother watch...and the kid says give it to me, I want a mean sort of way. I would totally step in and teach the child how to say it in a nice way. It is hard in a situation like that because....what should I get Declan to do.....get walked over and give it back or get Declan to keep it and tell her that he wants it?? It is different when the other parents are present.

Declan continues to be a hugger and kisser. I really really love that about Declan...he is the kind of kid that makes other people feel good...isn't that what little kids are for?:) I remember my neice and nephew went through quite the stage where they were grumpy and mean....I hope that Declan doesn't go through that stage...However....I am learning that you don't get to pick the stages and sometimes parents can't really do anything about certain attitudes. About the hugging and Declan went up to a girl and gave her a hug and a kiss....the girl just stares at him....she really didn't like it. At some point the hugging and kissing is going to be a bad thing....but not yet:)

Declan still spends most of his time moving things real playing yet. We have table time every day and he can put a puzzle together on his own! I looked up milestones on a website for 19 month olds and from the info written there, Declan is a little behind verbally. They say they are putting two words together or even small sentences. The most Declan can do is 'yes please'. He continues to pick up more words. Before he would just copy me saying the word (e.g. sock) he points to his sock and says it. He says 'stuck', 'juice', 'help - bup" "done" etc. I think he is doing just fine! I am really proud of him.

Like I have mentioned previously, my favourite part of my day is Declan' and Mommy Time at the end of the day. At about 6:30 we get on his pajamas, get milk and books. We sit in the big leather rocker with a blanket and do the following little routine: 1) Read 2 or 3 books 2) sing / say 3 or 4 little songs (e.g. eency weency, alphabet song, Jesus loves me, Twinkle etc.) 3) I sing him Silent night as he lays down on me --I had to work on this because he would never just lay down and relax on me--now he does 4) Sing 'Away in the Manger' 5) Pray 6) Count to we get off the chair 6) Advent Calendar -open the next door 7) Goodnights -to mom and dad 8) Bed ---I really enjoy that he will spend that much time with me with all these little activites. It is a great learning time as well:) I just love my little guy so much. We are praying for another little one...God knows the time. We really think Declan would love to have a brother or sister.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Days at Home

Declan really loves going to the babysitters and getting out of the house to go to the early years center or on errands. I am finding that he doesn't like the long stays at home. He needs to get out. Some days however, you just can't get out because it is rainy etc. Today is one of those days. We are home for the whole day and he seems to get ancy.

I'm not sure when kids start just quietly playing with toys in one spot. I am trying to teach him this and encourage him to sit down and play with toys. He would much rather climb chairs, move remotes, follow me around, carry objects around the house.... I'm sure it is probably very typical of a almost 19th old. I really just want him to sit down and play...maybe I'm asking too much!

Everyone these days is saying how busy they are. I am actually feeling quite bored. I have almost all of the gifts bought....what else is everyone else doing? Baking? I think it is too early. Wrapping gifts? I do need to do that at some point, but it feels too early. I haven't been working much. I have two days this week ... Thursday and Friday. It will be nice to get out of the house. Declan I am sure will love playing with the other kids. This weekend we are having the Christmas performances at our church. I'll be going to see it on Saturday evening, and then on Sunday morning I am helping in the nursery during both performances.

Declan is having his play pen time now! I am so happy that I started this really helps so much. I can use the time to have a shower, tidy up the house...or go on the computer.

Declan is talking some. He is starting to repeat words if you ask him to. He understands most of what you say to him...often answering with a big shake of the head our 'yes'. He went through a phase where he would say 'no' in a mean way. My babysitter suggested that you say back 'say yes mommy'. It completely distracts him from his mean face...and he says 'yes' with a happy face. Its cute. Declan is still very compassionate....again a child at the early years was crying and he went right up to him and gave him a kiss and a hug. So cute!

Declan has been going pee on the potty just about every day. He has gone poo once....and this is when he was already half way done what he was doing. Our goal is that after Christmas settles down again, we'll start him in his toddler underwear...I'm thinking January 2nd. We are going to do cold turkey (but diapers still for bed). The first week will be constant asking him to go to the toilet.....and maybe some running around naked. It might make it a little easier with the underwear because we won't have to snap up so many snaps each time.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our Little Talker

Declan has changed so much in one month! At some activities he is starting to calm down a little. For instance he will actually sit and watch some t.v. (white sitting buckled into his high chair). He won't sit still on a chair yet. He really enjoys watching the wiggles. He also like big bird. I don't like him watching too much t.v.. He is watching t.v. while I am writing this. It is Saturday morning, and every kid gets to watch cartoons on Saturday morning!

We've been going to the early years center a lot lately (about once a week), and we have also been going to story time (every Thursday). He is beginning to sit for a while during the circle times. This is a huge change. At the beginning he would sqirum away within the first minute. Yesterday we stayed for circle time at the early years and he actually is starting to participate. He layed down and she said to, he clapped when she said to...he tapped his knees, he waved etc. It was quite adorable! I was very proud of how well he did.

Another big change is that he is beginning to talk. Up until this past week when we asked Declan to say something he wouldn't...he didn't know how. Now he actually repeats words that we ask him to say. He now can say please when he wants something. This is a huge change because now that he can say more words, my expectations have risen. He is now saying things like up, out, down and all these words that are asking me for something.

One bad thing that he just started yesterday was saying 'no' in a mean tone of voice when I ask him to come to me. Boy did that annoy me and I really want to nip it in the bud without bringing so much attention to it that he does it all the time.

Declan is such a social little guy. We always get tons of comments about him being so happy, with a big smile, who is not shy at all. He'll enter a room with such confidence. He'll try to comfort kids that are sad. He'll share with other kids....though I am seeing a little bit more of an attitude in the last couple of days. He gets this mean little face on when a kid tries to take something that he has in his hand. Then he'll pull it back. That is a tricky situation because you want him to be gentle but you don't want kids to walk over he is learning to stand up to himself. Is it better that kids come and grab his toy from him and he just stands there and lets them, or is it better that he grabs it back? I don't know?

I think I'll add some pictures from the last little bit.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our fun little boy

Declan is now becoming a little boy. I really can say at this point his babyness is really fading. He tromps around the house playing with this along the way. He no longer gets into every possible...he is becoming a little more selective and he will put things back that he isn't supposed to touch. We can trust him outside for a few seconds now, where before he would immediately be into something that could be really dangerous. He enjoys playing on his trikes and he can now push along forward a little ways. For the longest time he would just push himself backwards. He talks in this cute little baby talk...but is wanting to express his own particular needs more and more. He is developing his own little routines with things now. For example, whenever he gets down from his highchair he always has to clip the buckles back together. He knows things are happening before they do now. When we say we are going to church, he starts to get upset because he realizes that we will be leaving him in the nursery. He is beginning to watch a little more t.v. It isn't that we want him to watch a lot of it, but there are times where we just want him occupied. He really seems to like 'The Wiggles'. I think it has to do with the fact that he really prefers men. We go to the 'early years' and to 'story time' each week. He seems to like to get out and socialize.

It really just amazes me how fast he is growing up. He really enjoys spending time with his relatives. He loves all of his grandparents. I was just thinking today how sad it is that he doesn't get to meet Poppy. I think my dad would have absolutely loved him to pieces!! Oh, and I know for sure he would have been Declan's favourite. Sometimes I see my dad in him....some of his looks and his smiles and his sense of humour. Declan has such an amazing sense of humour! I love how he likes to make people laugh.

Declan is getting to the age where I think I might feel comfortable bringing a brother or sister into the world for him....that is all in God's timing now. I watch him with his newborn little cousins Ella and Breanna...and one to soon come. I think he will make a fantastic big brother. Plus, I feel that we give so much attention to Declan, that it would only be healthy to bring someone else into the world that we can focus on too! We just have to wait on God for his timing... If it takes a while then maybe our second will be closer in age to Annalies' second?

Our little guy is still really great at sleeping at night. This past week his afternoon nap has been shorter....but it might be because he is just getting over his cold. I've been supply teaching, however i haven't had many jobs. However, it has been kind of nice though. I've been blessed to spend a lot of time with Declan and to really enjoy him! A lot of mothers don't get this time with their kids. However I also really appreciate a day away from I like that he gets to play with other little kids. I wish I could see him play with his friends....but I guess that is why I bring him to the early years.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Declan is starting to talk . . . kind of.

Declan has been quite a joy this past little while. He goes through cranky stages (but I think they may be a reflection of my mood), however right now he is going through a pleasant stage. He is giving out lots of hugs and kisses to people he knows and doesn't know alike. At church today, he was so adorable. In between the services I went and played in the nursery with Declan. He would get really excited everytime someone he knew came through the doors. He also would play with other kids and give them hugs. I've noticed that when he plays with others he is quite gentle. The only time he gets a little too rough is when he is on his way somewhere to get something, and if anyone is in his way, he pushes right through. He doesn't push them, but he pushes through with his body. I think I can accept that.

He is starting to talk in this conversation style where is talks quietly in little sentences. He is picking up more words. He says 'Daddy' quite clearly. He says' Mom'. When he looks in a mirror he says 'dyda' We used to think he always said that for dad, but then realized that he is trying to say his own name. He now slaps his chest when we ask where Declan is. He consistently says bah for pop. Today someone at church said to Declan "How are you today Declan?" and he answered 'Good'. I don't know if that was a coincidence or not. He is slipping our words all the time that sound like real words. He said 'all done', 'up'. If we say 'say ___' ...he'll often say something that sounds like it. I heard that by 18 months they should say 18 words consistently. I think he might reach that milestone. He is 16 months now. I can never remember the words he says . . . but I know he says more words. He says 'yah' a lot when we ask him a question. He understands all basic commands.

Declan spends between 45 min and an hour in the play pen playing all by himself. He loves playing with the stacking cups the most. He is starting to stack blocks together into a tower. He likes vehicles and pushes them around on the floor. He also puts little people into the right spots. He tries to play with puzzles but hasn't got the hang of them yet.

A couple days ago Declan did the most annoying thing. He took off his diaper and pooed on his bed and then he spread it all over. It took 2 hours to clean it up! It was quite disgusting. He even had it on his face.

This coming weekend we are going to Toronto. Gary and his dad are going to a blue jays game and then on Sunday we are going to the Toronto Zoo. Hopefully it will be a nice day!

Friday, August 29, 2008

My Favourite Part of the Day

I think I might have mentioned before that my favourite part of the day is putting Declan to bed. It isn't as bad as it sounds. Our little bedtime routine is so enjoyable for me. 1) Put on pajamas (change diaper) 2) get milk and books 3) sit on chair outside if it is nice or inside if it isn't 4) read two or three books while he is drinking 5) sing songs from a song book 6) do a couple action poems - itsy bitsy, pat a cake, if you're happy and you know it etc. 7) pray (he doesn't really like praying yet) 8) say goodnight to dad 9) down to sleep.

I just love the times where he will just lay on my lap and drink back his milk while pointing to pictures in books. He is really catching on to a lot of the pictures and can point to them. He can do all the actions for 'if your happy and ..." He really thrives on the routine and we never have a problem getting him to sleep in the night. little sleeping baby! I absolutely love when he learns something new. During our one-on-one time on the blanket today, he really got into playing with the little tykes toys. He put the little people on the cars, in the houses etc.

The big accomplishment is that he will very contently play in the play pen for about 50 min!!! I think that is huge! He is have play play time in his play pen instead of having a morning nap. That gives me the same break that I have loved since he was born just after he wakes up.

I really want to keep teaching my little son to do things. He is getting to that point where he is starting to catch on to 'being taught'. Before I didn't feel like showing him stuff would make much difference . . .he would learn it when he is ready. Now he is really beginning to be aware of what I am showing him and he'll try it out himself. I want to keep teaching him body parts, different animals, little songs, people's names, objects in his books, names of clothes, etc. I've let him play with a couple of puzzle and he enjoys them. He doesn't quite understand them. He'll try the difference pieces in the same spot every time.

So much fun. I really want to make good use of my time with him. Often I just let him play on his own...because I'm 'busy'. But now I really want to have more one-on-one time with him.

Daily Schedule
7:00 - 7:30 Wake Time
7:30 - 8:00 Breakfast, Diaper, Clothes
8:00 - 8:45 Free play time (I think I want to start having one-on-one time at this point)
8:45 - 9:30 Play Pen Time
9:30 - 10:00 Free play time
10:00 - 11:00 Snack Time and Sesame Street . . . until he gets bored (or outside)
10:30 - 11:30 Outside or Free Play TIme
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch Time
12:00 - 2:30 Nap Time
2:30 - 3:00 Free Play TIme
3:00 Snack Time
3:30 - 5:30 Free Play TIme --I should try to have one-on-one time here ....It is when I start making supper though
5:30 - 6:00 Eat Supper
6:00 - 6:30 Free Play Time -- usually time with dad
6:30 - 6:45 Bedtime Routine
6:45 Bed

Monday, August 25, 2008

Becoming a little boy

Declan is really beginning to become a little boy. He has interests . . . he has favourite things to do . . . he has opinions . . . he has a personality! It is so great watching him develop into a little person. INTERESTS: animals! FAVOURITES: spoons and forks (to carry around with him) OPINIONS: he knows where HE wants to go PERSONALITY: loves to laugh, but he also loves to whine!

Declan is now 15.5 months old and he is using the potty at least once a day. He is beginning to hint to me when he needs to use it (he grabs his crotch). I'm going to take it really slow until he turns 18 months old. I'm just going to continue allowing him opportunities to go in the toilet . . . but not forcing it at all. If he hints, I think I'll take him so I am reacting to his needs in the proper way. At first I was thinking that if he hints I should just ignore it and let him pee in his diaper. However, it doesn't really make sense to me. If he is communicating to me that he needs to go pee, then I better take him to the potty. As soon as I say 'Do you need to go to the Potty' he runs right to the bathroom. He hasn't gone poo in the potty yet....he has probably peed about 10 or more times.

Declan is still working hard on trying to talk. He doesn't have a lot of words, but I am starting to hear some more effort. He still doesn't say any words ALL THE TIME. He does repeatedly say Da or da da, mom, or ma, and then all his favourite sounds when we say - truck, car, dog, cow, cat. He calls a lot of things bah like this toy bottle that he plays with, balls. When I say outside he lights up and says ba. He loves to point. He seems to understand so much! I've heard him say 'yah' a lot lately. He has spilled out other words like this, that, done, and some I can't remember. I think he is making some progress (definitely behind some other girls his age!!). I'm noticing that he is babbling in a different way lately. I was listening to him hum a little song to himself...that was adorable. Overall he is a fairly quiet little guy. I still notice that when I am by myself with Declan I get pretty quiet and catch myself not saying much...and then start talking with him again.

We are officially making the transition from two naps a day to one. The routine is still putting him down somewhere between 8:30 and 9, but instead of into his crib, I put him in his play pen. He lasted quite happily for about 40 min today!! I'll try to get him to stay in there for an hour . . . but that might be a huge thing to ask. Then he is ready to eat lunch by at least 11:30 and then to bed by at least 12. Really he could probably even eat at 11 and to bed by 11:30. The hard part with that is when I babysit and do that, it makes the afternoon seem longer. Well anyway, I better get going. I just got a bunch of parenting books from the library to read and also an enjoyable book too. . . though I do like reading books about kids (that is what my degree at school is Child and Youth Studies).

Friday, August 22, 2008

He doesn't seem so sweet today!

With parenting you are going to have constant ups and downs. Today I was in a crabby mood. I don't know if it is because Declan was first, which gave me this rotten attitude or if I was and so he seems crabby. Anyhow, I am finally beginning to realize that it could be because he is teething . . . once again. I am getting tired of that coming out of my mouth, but it seems to be true. His teeth have popped out so quickly I really can't keep track. He has all of his teeth through on his bottom (well...8). He has about 6 on top. Crazyness!

I haven't treated him very well today. I think it has just been one of those days where I had no energy to be all friendly with him. I just wanted him to obey without me having to be patient with him. I regret my meanness towards him. He really was cranky though! Whenever he is tired or cranky he consistently goes and does the exact things that he knows he isn't supposed to do. I think he knows that he will get attention from us as soon as he does something wrong. I guess that is one thing that is negative about being so consistent and predictable.

I was beginning to feel today that Declan didn't love me. He won't just sit with me and give me hugs and kisses. He is always pushing away from me. I started to take it personally. It sounds so silly looking back, but that was how I was feeling. I just wanted him to cuddle with me for at least one minute. He can't last more than 2 seconds in one spot. I guess that is how toddlers are . . . I just wanted to hold him. I tried to just force him to sit with me to see how long it would take for him to just stay with me. He screamed and cried with such force. It was so weird to see him like that. He did stop crying and we watched a little bit of Sesame Street together. Every few seconds he would try to get away, but then he would quit fighting for a bit. He really like watching big bird. He was always my favourite character too!

Anyways, the little guy is sleeping for the night. I should really get this house back in order...even though I really don't feel like it right now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

15 months old today!

My little Declan is growing up. He is now 15 months old. I just look at him lately and realize that he is really now a toddler and no longer a baby. I am so excited that he is growing up and learning new things, but it is hard to believe that we have no control in slowing it down. I can now understand how people say that their kids grew up and out of the house so fast, how it seems possible. I've been finding that he has grown out of some cute pants that he was wearing in the spring. It has been too hot for pants and then in the past few days I've wanted to put him in pants. I have about 5 cute pairs of pants that he will no longer sad. I'll have to go through all of his long sleeve shirts and I know there will be a bundle he won't wear again.

I know I have way too many clothes for him, but then I end up dressing him in my favourites all the time. I seriously probably have 25 pairs of pants for him (some that fit right, and some that are a little too big, and some that he will still need to grow into . . . but I have them in the closet because I don't want to forget about them. Yet....I only really dress him in the same 5 or 6. I guess that is what happens with hand me downs. I should probably go through them and put away the clothes I can't see me wanting him to wear.

I feel that Declan is at this point now where he will pick up a lot of stuff that we teach him. I feel a bit of pressure because I know there are these types of moms who 'teach' their kids so much stuff . . . yet i have some desire to be like that, but I just couldn't really bother. Does this make sense?? What I have been doing is having a nighttime routine that involves 1) reading a story 2) learning / reviewing an animal from a touch and feel flash cards that were a gift to him -- we've done dog -- he says wuf, we've done cow -- he says mmmm we've down horse --- he also says mmm and we've down rabbit (which i've been teaching him to wiggle his little nose). 3) Song time - we sing a song 4) Prayer Time - we do a quick prayer and then right to bed. It sounds like a lot, but each thing is really short and he enjoys it all.....though if he start pushing off me, I just end it quickly with the prayer. I can't believe that he is really starting to enjoy this time. It is becoming my favourite time of the day!

I need to remind myself to spend time through the day with him and playing with him. I am really finding myself distancing myself away from the kids (Declan, and the kids I babysit). I let them all play on their own (which they love to do). . . . while I do anything from tidying, cleaning, making lists - meal planning, party planning, wasting my time on the computer etc. However, I do feel like I want to get on the floor and play with Declan more.

Here are some pictures of my little sweety pie!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

More Pictures

A lot of change!

Declan is now just about 15 months old. Boy has he changed since he was 9 months. He is now beginning to run around (he started walking at 12.5 months old). He has 6 teeth on the bottom and about 3 or 4 on top (he has his molars on the bottom in and one has come through on the top). He is still as happy as ever (unless he is sick). He seems to get sick every few weeks or so. We just get over one thing, and the next starts. We figure that he seems to get sick everytime that a tooth breaks through.

He is still sleeping well. He sleeps from 7 until 7. He still has his morning nap from about 8:30 until 10 and then 1 until 3. We've been so lucky with this. I know that a lot of it is because we've kind of just kept this routine going. There are times where he might be in bed for an hour before falling a sleep, but then he'll get back into sleeping the full lengths. Declan is really becoming quite a compassionate child. When he hits someone (by accident) he always says sorry by leaning over to give him/her a hug.

He loves making lots of different sounds, but has yet to really use many words. He can say ma, da, and he has said other words here and there, but he really doesn't say any of them regularly. He prefers to make sounds. He copies a lot of silly sounds that we make . . . wof, wof, (for dog), mmmm (for cow), mmm (for horse), he makes actions for words like strong, excited, happy, he sings, dances. He also is really beginning to follow instructions! This really amazes us. It really shows us how much he really knows even though he isn't saying these things. If we say, 'Time to change your diaper, lets go to your bedroom' he'll walk right over to his bedroom, no matter where in the house we are. He'll obey when we say 'come' or 'sit' or 'eat' or 'we're going to pray now', or 'put your diaper away (he wants to put it in the toilet). Declan has peed on his potty 3 or 4 times now! We just put him on his potty after every diaper change --- and he loves to just sit and read books. We've been successful a few times now!

He is just becoming such a humourous and fun loving kid! He has a great sense of humour which we just love. He likes to make people laugh. He is loving to explore all over the house. He'll climb on chairs now and reach up on tables. He is also beginning to play a little more with toys. He'll make car sounds when he plays with cars. He just loves walking around the house carrying toys spoons and anything with a handle. Just lately he is into shutting all of the doors. You can tell he thinks he is helping out by doing that.

We just love him so much. We've had a few breaks from him in the past little while. We both get to the point where we just need a break from the daily grind of feeding, changing, putting him to bed, and keeping him from doing things he shouldn't be doing. Luckily we have a big break from him after 7 when he is in bed, however then we are kind of stuck at home. When he was in his car seat we were able to bring him around where ever and when ever. It is a little different now that he doesn't really sleep in his stroller that well.

I'm going to upload a few pictures from the past few months.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

If anyone is reading this, can you leave a comment?

I am just curious to know if anyone is reading what I am writing. You are free to do so, however, my intention of writing is to keep a casual record of Declan's doings.

A lazy Saturday

Today was a lazy Saturday. We didn't do much. This evening, however, we did go to visit friends in London. This is one of those days where a child can get in the way of doing nothing. It is really nice that Gary and I can juggle the responsibilities. Do you want to change him or feed him . . . etc? It is helpful having Gary even though I find it a breeze to care for Declan by myself as well. He still wants to touch the 'no touch' objects like the plant, the magazine rack, the remotes, and the end tables. I think I'm going to find it very frustrating to know what to do each time. He doesn't really listen yet to our instructions. We're still trying to figure it out.

Anyways, tomorrow Gary will be getting up with Declan at 7ish. Today I got up with Declan and Gary slept until after 10. I like the fact that Gary and I still get chance to sleep in even though we have a child. Gary even said he would do the dishes in the morning!! All I"ll have to do is get ready for church. Declan has been doing fairly well in the nursery. He had 1 or 2 bad mornings, but now he has been mostly fine. In the evening we have life group at our house. We enjoy having the couples over. We are studying the book of James from the bible and I am facilitating this study. Last time Declan had a late afternoon nap and wasn't ready to sleep at his normal 7 o'clock. This time we will make sure he is nice and tired so he'll sleep right away. It has gone quite smoothly with Declan the other times.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

9 Months Old!

Declan is really changing a lot in the past little while. He seems like he is more and more like a little boy, then a baby. Here are some pictures of Declan.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

What a rascal!

In Declan's room we have plastic over the windows to keep down the draft. For those not familiar, you put sticky stuff all the way around the windows and buy this special plastic with two layers to cover the window. Then you blow dry it to get it tight and so that you can still see through the window just fine. Well, since Declan can stand now, he reached way over to the window and ripped down a whole layer of the plastic.

I was sitting here on the computer while he was having his nap and thought I heard crinkling plastic. For a bit, I was trying to figure out what the sound was, so I walked in and he had this plastic all over him. Oh boy! Am I ever thankful that I heard the noise and went in. It really could have been a deadly experience. My sister-in-law said she was friends with a lady whose baby had died because he/she reached out and grapped a plastic bag and suffocated. Thank you Lord, for letting me hear! We will be moving his crib to another location in the room. (will be very akward because he is four windows in his room, so there aren't many options.) We'll have to have the crib sticking out into the middle of the room I guess.

Declan went to Crystals house last night. He was sleeping by 7:15, so that's good! Today we are going skating because it is Lorrissa's birthday and that is what they are doing. I thought it was kind of a funny thing to do because she isn't having friends, just a few relatives and two of them don't have skates (three including Declan). Justin can't really skate either. I think I would have chosen something different. Oh well. I have skates, but I am nervous about, because I have gained so much weight since, so I'm hoping I'll be okay and not fall. Declan will have to be in the stroller. I was sure there was a rule about that, but Lorraine said he can go on the ice.

Normally I upload pictures only once a month. So, at some point, I'll be adding pictures to these blogs.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Playing the Piano

Like I said in the last post, Declan is starting to get into lots of stuff! He can now pull himself up to things and crawl. His new thing is the piano! He pulls himself up to a stand at the piano bench and then stretches up to reach the keys. He plays a little tune for a good few minutes. It is actually quite cute because he isn't doing the full 'bang bang' that he would be doing if he could get to the keys by sitting on the bench. I am sure that is yet to come!

I used to come to the computer room and type away or surf on the net while my son would sit in his room (across the hall) and just quietly play with his little drum set (Costcos). Now if I leave him to play, he has the drawers open on the dresser, he is standing at the toy shelf pulling down toys. He is always busy working. You can here him make little noises, breathing hard, using those muscles! He is one strong kids. I've baby-sat lots and am a aunt, and he is much stronger than those I've spent time with.

The other night he did the dreaded 'stand up in his crib in the middle of the night and can't get down'. I remember reading that this is a normal occurence. The book said to teach him how to get down. I haven't figured out how to teach him that yet. Last night I was thankful that he didn't get stuck (though maybe he figured it out on his own).

Well, time to put the little one into bed for his morning nap. We are heading to the library after that. Oh! Declan and I were on the front page of the Strathroy newspaper this week:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Starting to Crawl

Declan is beginning to crawl. It was a few days after New Years Day that Declan first stayed put when we put him in a crawling position. Over the last month he would gradually make progress . . . first, staying in the crawling position, then swaying back and forth, next, getting into the crawling position himself, then pushing himself up into a bridge, then attempting to crawl backwards, then trying to crawl forwards but falling to his stomach. Yesterday he made 2 or 3 little crawl movements forward. Today he did it again. It is so cute, but really, I think we are just going to be more frustrated!! I'm sure he'll get into everything. We can no longer just leave him in the living room while in the kitchen. We'll always be wondering . . . what is he getting into?

We've caught him doing a few things already (and that is before he is crawling): pulling down on a plant and breaking the little branch, pulling DVD's off a shelf, grabbing for the remotes, gettting stuck between the couch and the speaker, throwing laundry all over his bedroom floor, opening the dresser drawers and climbing up to a stand and pulling clothes out of the drawer, getting the book basket and dumping the books all over the floor. I know this is JUST the beginning. Our little nephew (compared to a lot of kids) was quite the rascal. He was just so curious and would touch, pull, rip everything. I'm worried that Declan will be the same.

The problem that I am having is how to deal with this type of behaviour. I am trying to figure this out before he starts doing this on purpose knowing that it is wrong. People deal with this young rascalness in so many different ways. He needs to be taught that some things cannot be touched. Some different ways people handle this: just keep repeating 'no' and pull away his hand, tell him once that he can't touch and the second time slap his hand, just remove him from where he is (over and over), remove the thing he is touching. I still need to figure out what will work for us and I know we'll need to be consistent. Since he is only just about 9 months we are still wondering what we do when he touches our face with love and then starts pulling and scratching us. Something I know I'll watch for: if he is doing it on purpose, knowing it is wrong vs. is he doing it out of curiosity. At this young age, he is still doing everything out of curiosity. We've had one instant where he kept pulling off his bib before we were finished feeding him. I wanted him to keep it on. Even after we said no he kept doing it. We would pull his hand down and say 'no' a little louder. I think during this time, it started becoming the fight of the wills. I know that is one thing that never works when dealing with little kids. I still don't know the best way to handle the situation. Do I just distract him in this situation (I was trying). Hopefully I'll be wise in these decisions. I want to have 'obedient' kids, but I also have seen some parents go too extreme on this and only focus on obedience and they forget about having fun with them, and playing with them. Every interaction becomes and watchful look to see if they are bad. I don't think that is how it should bed. Also, I think I really want to make consequences fit the crime. (rather than just jump to one form of discipline . . . however, I know every child is different as well. What works for one, may not work for the other. Some options: 'time-out for their age', spoken boldly to and I don't mean yelling), remove something (e.g. if standing on chair at the table, take away the chair), quiet time in room/crib (more for the sake of me and losing patience). I do think that if the child disobeys over and over, or does something really bad, that he/she can be spanked. It should be a rare occurence, rather than a common one. I"m still not sure about how often you should slap a kids hand. The reason why I am unsure is because I can see how it can become a habit. Everytime they do something wrong, they'd get slapped. Logically, it actually makes some sense to me. But i just see how it would become too common. Then how would you deal with it in public when you shouldn't slap their hand. I think it would require a lot of self control to not overuse this method. Maybe if you've tired everything else, the last resort at a young age would be slapping their hand. You shouldn't spank a young child.

Anyways . . . Declan and I were going to go into London to do a few errands - home depot to check a few things, pick up his birthday gift, go swimming . . . but the roads aren't great, so I might wait until tomorrow.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Going to Grandma & Grandpa Rutledges Tomorrow

Declan and I spent the day at his Uncle Eric and Aunt Lorraine's house. It was a nice and relaxing day. It felt normal to have a baby. I was able to carry on a conversation while tending to all of Declan's needs. It may sound weird that I am saying this, since he is 8 months old, but it just felt so normal and nice.

Our little 'gaffer' was just so pleasant today. He didn't nap much though! He still seemed pretty good even though he hardly napped. He went to sleep in the evening nicely though, and went right to sleep once we got home. He is such a sweety because when I wake him up at someone's house in order to go home, he usually wakes up with a big smile his face. I am just so happy having him as my son.

Eric and Lorraine have been so generous by lending us lots of stuff for Declan. They have been lending all of their boys clothes, as well as many of their baby toys. For instance, I really wanted to get some sort of scooting toy and a walker for Declan. Lorraine had both, so now Declan has some new toys to play with. We also have the next bin of clothes for him to wear (18-24 months). He isn't really ready to wear those clothes yet, but at least I can go through them and know what to look forward to:) I love buying clothes for Declan. I really don't need to buy him anything though . . . so because I love it so much . . . I head to Value Village and get really good deals. I bought two, never used, roots shirts. Sooooo adorable!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Sleeping Babe!

I remember thinking when Declan was 1 & 2 months old "Will this child ever sleep in the day?" He slept well at night! He would be up for long periods of time in the day with no sleep. I really was hoping for some breaks in the day. However, now, and for the last while he has been having some nice naps!! They aren't 100% predictable, but maybe more like 85%. He'll sleep all night from like 7:30 until about 8 the next morning. Then he'll nap at 9am until about 10:30. Then he'll nap from about 12:30 until 3 or 3:30. Then he'll nap from about 4:30 until 5:30. Then he'll go to sleep at about 7:30. And the cycle continues. Now just in the last couple of weeks I have begun dropping that last nap and getting him to bed more like 7. Believe it or not, he'll still sleep until 8ish. Of course, it isn't always as perfect as it sounds. During the holidays he was sick. He'd wake up in the middle of the night and want his soother. He'd also be unpredictable in the time he'd wake up. Also, we found out he was cold, so he sleeps in his little sleeping bag. It has helped so much!!

Declan's sleeping habits gives me a lot of extra time on my hands. Sometimes I use it wisely and other days I waste it away! I couldn't possibly find enough to do to keep me busy all day long. I've been trying to have some sort of schedule through the week, or do at least 2 extra things a day. I haven't been doing this stuff for the last month or so though. I feel like I am floating along. I am also kind of dreading when our maternity payments stop. Getting a full year is wonderful!! However, I am really going to miss just being home with our little gaffer! I am starting to try and line up some babysitters for Declan. I will probably have to work 2-3 days a week to have enough income. Some weeks it may be 4 days, and other weeks it may be 1 day. It can really vary. I am nervous about the whole transition!

Well, I better get off and actually accomplish something today! As soon as Declan wakes up we go for a walk. I need to get some stuff done before that.

Here is Declan in the bathtub on January 12th:

Monday, January 28, 2008

I am done the overview! Now on to the day by day stuff!

This past weekend was so relaxing. We had nothing going on. We didn't have to go to anyone's house and drag Declan out of the house, into his car seat, out of his car seat, and into bed here at our house. During the past two months we had to do that repeatedly. We did it so often that Declan would wake up on his own between 10 and 12 each evening, waiting for us to come get him. I really enjoyed all the excitement and visiting, however it is nice to have things settle down for a little while again.

Declan was given a sleeping bag sleeper to put over top of his regular pajamas from his Grandma Rutledge. We were mentioning that we think Declan was waking up in the night and getting up early because he would kick off his blankets and get too cold. She offered to make him a sleeping bag sleeper. It has worked wonders!!! He has slept well for over a week now (back to his usual self . . . before it got really cold).

Gary and I really enjoyed just watching and playing with our little guy. All day Saturday we kept the T.V. off. I read a really good book about giving the best start to your child. Gary played some gameboy. We took turns getting on the floor with Declan and really playing and interacting with him. He really loves to stand!! He is starting to pull himself up. In his bedroom he opens the bottom drawer of his dresser and pulls himself up to a standing position. He's done this at least three times. In the living room he will stand and stand as he plays at the leap frog table. He also loves standing at our Ikea chair. I put toys on it and he'll just play away. He tries to pick up toys he drops on the ground. We loved just watching him try to problem solve and figure out how he will maneuver his body to pick it up. So cute!

In later posts I am going to share some of the things I am learning from the book that I have been reading. Basically, the overview is that the most important things for babies under two are: Attention, Bonding and Communication with your baby. The author explains in detail (using scientific studies and explanations using the brain) why these three things are crucial. This book has made me more alert to why I am doing the things I am doing (e.g. playing peek a boo, smiling when he smiles at me etc.).

Declan is enjoying a nice snooze this morning (like usual). Things are really nice right now! The house is mostly tidy and clean. This is going to be a really nice and relaxing day. I want to spend lots of time talking and interacting with Declan today. I have been a little bit concerned with Declan's speech. I know how crucial it is to talk talk talk to him all the time. It is not natural for me to do this. I am really trying to be more conscience about this. He is only 8.5 months old, but he isn't really babbling too much. He makes lots of sounds, but not really babbling with consonants. I am not worried, just be aware, so that I can help him by remembering to talk talk talk. The amount of words a baby hears per day tremendously affects how well a child will communicate and read. Since Gary has a learning disability (has a hard time reading), I want to do all I can to help Declan over come this possibility.

Well, enough for now! I am off to get myself ready for the day, and then when Declan gets up we are going to enjoy a beautiful walk outside!!

I am done the overview!

More Pictures of Declan Through the months

Five Months:

Six Months:

Seven Months:

Eight Months:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More Pictures of Declan through the months


One Month:

Two Months:

Three Months:

Four Months: