Friday, February 8, 2008

Playing the Piano

Like I said in the last post, Declan is starting to get into lots of stuff! He can now pull himself up to things and crawl. His new thing is the piano! He pulls himself up to a stand at the piano bench and then stretches up to reach the keys. He plays a little tune for a good few minutes. It is actually quite cute because he isn't doing the full 'bang bang' that he would be doing if he could get to the keys by sitting on the bench. I am sure that is yet to come!

I used to come to the computer room and type away or surf on the net while my son would sit in his room (across the hall) and just quietly play with his little drum set (Costcos). Now if I leave him to play, he has the drawers open on the dresser, he is standing at the toy shelf pulling down toys. He is always busy working. You can here him make little noises, breathing hard, using those muscles! He is one strong kids. I've baby-sat lots and am a aunt, and he is much stronger than those I've spent time with.

The other night he did the dreaded 'stand up in his crib in the middle of the night and can't get down'. I remember reading that this is a normal occurence. The book said to teach him how to get down. I haven't figured out how to teach him that yet. Last night I was thankful that he didn't get stuck (though maybe he figured it out on his own).

Well, time to put the little one into bed for his morning nap. We are heading to the library after that. Oh! Declan and I were on the front page of the Strathroy newspaper this week:)

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