Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Sleeping Babe!

I remember thinking when Declan was 1 & 2 months old "Will this child ever sleep in the day?" He slept well at night! He would be up for long periods of time in the day with no sleep. I really was hoping for some breaks in the day. However, now, and for the last while he has been having some nice naps!! They aren't 100% predictable, but maybe more like 85%. He'll sleep all night from like 7:30 until about 8 the next morning. Then he'll nap at 9am until about 10:30. Then he'll nap from about 12:30 until 3 or 3:30. Then he'll nap from about 4:30 until 5:30. Then he'll go to sleep at about 7:30. And the cycle continues. Now just in the last couple of weeks I have begun dropping that last nap and getting him to bed more like 7. Believe it or not, he'll still sleep until 8ish. Of course, it isn't always as perfect as it sounds. During the holidays he was sick. He'd wake up in the middle of the night and want his soother. He'd also be unpredictable in the time he'd wake up. Also, we found out he was cold, so he sleeps in his little sleeping bag. It has helped so much!!

Declan's sleeping habits gives me a lot of extra time on my hands. Sometimes I use it wisely and other days I waste it away! I couldn't possibly find enough to do to keep me busy all day long. I've been trying to have some sort of schedule through the week, or do at least 2 extra things a day. I haven't been doing this stuff for the last month or so though. I feel like I am floating along. I am also kind of dreading when our maternity payments stop. Getting a full year is wonderful!! However, I am really going to miss just being home with our little gaffer! I am starting to try and line up some babysitters for Declan. I will probably have to work 2-3 days a week to have enough income. Some weeks it may be 4 days, and other weeks it may be 1 day. It can really vary. I am nervous about the whole transition!

Well, I better get off and actually accomplish something today! As soon as Declan wakes up we go for a walk. I need to get some stuff done before that.

Here is Declan in the bathtub on January 12th:

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