Monday, January 28, 2008

I am done the overview! Now on to the day by day stuff!

This past weekend was so relaxing. We had nothing going on. We didn't have to go to anyone's house and drag Declan out of the house, into his car seat, out of his car seat, and into bed here at our house. During the past two months we had to do that repeatedly. We did it so often that Declan would wake up on his own between 10 and 12 each evening, waiting for us to come get him. I really enjoyed all the excitement and visiting, however it is nice to have things settle down for a little while again.

Declan was given a sleeping bag sleeper to put over top of his regular pajamas from his Grandma Rutledge. We were mentioning that we think Declan was waking up in the night and getting up early because he would kick off his blankets and get too cold. She offered to make him a sleeping bag sleeper. It has worked wonders!!! He has slept well for over a week now (back to his usual self . . . before it got really cold).

Gary and I really enjoyed just watching and playing with our little guy. All day Saturday we kept the T.V. off. I read a really good book about giving the best start to your child. Gary played some gameboy. We took turns getting on the floor with Declan and really playing and interacting with him. He really loves to stand!! He is starting to pull himself up. In his bedroom he opens the bottom drawer of his dresser and pulls himself up to a standing position. He's done this at least three times. In the living room he will stand and stand as he plays at the leap frog table. He also loves standing at our Ikea chair. I put toys on it and he'll just play away. He tries to pick up toys he drops on the ground. We loved just watching him try to problem solve and figure out how he will maneuver his body to pick it up. So cute!

In later posts I am going to share some of the things I am learning from the book that I have been reading. Basically, the overview is that the most important things for babies under two are: Attention, Bonding and Communication with your baby. The author explains in detail (using scientific studies and explanations using the brain) why these three things are crucial. This book has made me more alert to why I am doing the things I am doing (e.g. playing peek a boo, smiling when he smiles at me etc.).

Declan is enjoying a nice snooze this morning (like usual). Things are really nice right now! The house is mostly tidy and clean. This is going to be a really nice and relaxing day. I want to spend lots of time talking and interacting with Declan today. I have been a little bit concerned with Declan's speech. I know how crucial it is to talk talk talk to him all the time. It is not natural for me to do this. I am really trying to be more conscience about this. He is only 8.5 months old, but he isn't really babbling too much. He makes lots of sounds, but not really babbling with consonants. I am not worried, just be aware, so that I can help him by remembering to talk talk talk. The amount of words a baby hears per day tremendously affects how well a child will communicate and read. Since Gary has a learning disability (has a hard time reading), I want to do all I can to help Declan over come this possibility.

Well, enough for now! I am off to get myself ready for the day, and then when Declan gets up we are going to enjoy a beautiful walk outside!!

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