Monday, August 25, 2008

Becoming a little boy

Declan is really beginning to become a little boy. He has interests . . . he has favourite things to do . . . he has opinions . . . he has a personality! It is so great watching him develop into a little person. INTERESTS: animals! FAVOURITES: spoons and forks (to carry around with him) OPINIONS: he knows where HE wants to go PERSONALITY: loves to laugh, but he also loves to whine!

Declan is now 15.5 months old and he is using the potty at least once a day. He is beginning to hint to me when he needs to use it (he grabs his crotch). I'm going to take it really slow until he turns 18 months old. I'm just going to continue allowing him opportunities to go in the toilet . . . but not forcing it at all. If he hints, I think I'll take him so I am reacting to his needs in the proper way. At first I was thinking that if he hints I should just ignore it and let him pee in his diaper. However, it doesn't really make sense to me. If he is communicating to me that he needs to go pee, then I better take him to the potty. As soon as I say 'Do you need to go to the Potty' he runs right to the bathroom. He hasn't gone poo in the potty yet....he has probably peed about 10 or more times.

Declan is still working hard on trying to talk. He doesn't have a lot of words, but I am starting to hear some more effort. He still doesn't say any words ALL THE TIME. He does repeatedly say Da or da da, mom, or ma, and then all his favourite sounds when we say - truck, car, dog, cow, cat. He calls a lot of things bah like this toy bottle that he plays with, balls. When I say outside he lights up and says ba. He loves to point. He seems to understand so much! I've heard him say 'yah' a lot lately. He has spilled out other words like this, that, done, and some I can't remember. I think he is making some progress (definitely behind some other girls his age!!). I'm noticing that he is babbling in a different way lately. I was listening to him hum a little song to himself...that was adorable. Overall he is a fairly quiet little guy. I still notice that when I am by myself with Declan I get pretty quiet and catch myself not saying much...and then start talking with him again.

We are officially making the transition from two naps a day to one. The routine is still putting him down somewhere between 8:30 and 9, but instead of into his crib, I put him in his play pen. He lasted quite happily for about 40 min today!! I'll try to get him to stay in there for an hour . . . but that might be a huge thing to ask. Then he is ready to eat lunch by at least 11:30 and then to bed by at least 12. Really he could probably even eat at 11 and to bed by 11:30. The hard part with that is when I babysit and do that, it makes the afternoon seem longer. Well anyway, I better get going. I just got a bunch of parenting books from the library to read and also an enjoyable book too. . . though I do like reading books about kids (that is what my degree at school is Child and Youth Studies).

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