If I were asked to describe what Declan is like at this stage, I would have to say he is a helper. He wants to help with everything...especially in the kitchen. From the start we have made the dishwasher as a 'no touch'. I am so thankful for this because all I need is someone taking out all the dishes that I just put in, it just get frustrating. I do believe that it is good for him to help though, so I am letting him help in different ways. He absolutely loves stirring things, using the chopper to chop the onions, sweeping the floor etc. He seems to cry every time that I say we are done in the kitchen (like if something is cooking and there is nothing left to do). He always gets over his little crying times quite quickly. They may be because we never give in. He knows it won't work for us.
Now that I have been at the early years for several weeks, I am starting to notice the same parents. I am also noticing the children that are obedient and then ones that walk all over their parents. I am so glad that I have had good role models and have been given really good advice about raising your children. Kids say things to their parents and to other kids that I would never allow Declan to say without some kind of punishment. For instance a kid kept ripping toys out of Declan's hand and I saw the mother watch...and the kid says give it to me, I want it....in a mean sort of way. I would totally step in and teach the child how to say it in a nice way. It is hard in a situation like that because....what should I get Declan to do.....get walked over and give it back or get Declan to keep it and tell her that he wants it?? It is different when the other parents are present.
Declan continues to be a hugger and kisser. I really really love that about Declan...he is the kind of kid that makes other people feel good...isn't that what little kids are for?:) I remember my neice and nephew went through quite the stage where they were grumpy and mean....I hope that Declan doesn't go through that stage...However....I am learning that you don't get to pick the stages and sometimes parents can't really do anything about certain attitudes. About the hugging and kissing....today Declan went up to a girl and gave her a hug and a kiss....the girl just stares at him....she really didn't like it. At some point the hugging and kissing is going to be a bad thing....but not yet:)
Declan still spends most of his time moving things around....no real playing yet. We have table time every day and he can put a puzzle together on his own! I looked up milestones on a website for 19 month olds and from the info written there, Declan is a little behind verbally. They say they are putting two words together or even small sentences. The most Declan can do is 'yes please'. He continues to pick up more words. Before he would just copy me saying the word (e.g. sock)....now he points to his sock and says it. He says 'stuck', 'juice', 'help - bup" "done" etc. I think he is doing just fine! I am really proud of him.
Like I have mentioned previously, my favourite part of my day is Declan' and Mommy Time at the end of the day. At about 6:30 we get on his pajamas, get milk and books. We sit in the big leather rocker with a blanket and do the following little routine: 1) Read 2 or 3 books 2) sing / say 3 or 4 little songs (e.g. eency weency, alphabet song, Jesus loves me, Twinkle etc.) 3) I sing him Silent night as he lays down on me --I had to work on this because he would never just lay down and relax on me--now he does 4) Sing 'Away in the Manger' 5) Pray 6) Count to 10....as we get off the chair 6) Advent Calendar -open the next door 7) Goodnights -to mom and dad 8) Bed ---I really enjoy that he will spend that much time with me with all these little activites. It is a great learning time as well:) I just love my little guy so much. We are praying for another little one...God knows the time. We really think Declan would love to have a brother or sister.